Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9+

PE Kansas​
Lesson Plans

PE Kansas​
New Resources: Padlet


P.E. Kansas makes it easier for our state's P.E. teachers to positively impact the health and well-being of the thousands of Kansas students they reach.

Welcome to P.E. Kansas!  This new web-based curriculum tool is a free and valuable asset for physical educators across Kansas, made possible through funding from the Kansas Health Foundation. Some of the key features include:

  • Creating lesson plans (warm-ups, activities, national standards, equipment, safety considerations, modifications, and assessments);
  • Storing lesson plans for future use and record keeping (pdf and Word options);
  • Sharing valuable educational resources.

The site reflects the best of Physical Essentials, Physical Focus and Physical Dimensions with a modernization for use in today’s physical education classes. The site enhances the training of future teachers, helps with plans for days when substitute teachers are needed, and promotes professionalism in physical education.

New Kansas PE Resources: Padlet


How It

  1. Select grade level from images above.
  2. Select either warm-ups or activities.
  3. Select a major category and scroll through various activities in that category.
  4. Add activity directly to lesson plan, or select activity for more information.
  5. Fine tune your lesson plan, and export to pdf or word document for use in your class.
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Kansas State Department of Education
Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson St.
Topeka, KS 66612
(785) 296-8109

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